Calling All Cuties

October 4th marks the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. A couple weeks ago, while walking my dog, I noticed this sign in front of a beautiful church on 5th Avenue, right across from Central Park.


Hoping to see an actual donkey in attendance, I showed up today with Munch. Although there were no donkeys, we did meet some really cute pets who came out for a little blessing.

Like some hermit crabs named Spikey and Stinky:


And a cat, whose owner wore a tshirt with her big cat face on it:


Some dogs conversed while waiting for the ceremony to begin:




Munch enjoyed being both squished and blessed at the same time. His prayer was for guidance on how to lose the one pound the vet said he needs to shed from his neck.


This beagle puppy was loving every minute of it:


It was a nice reminder of how much we all love our pets, and how they take care of us just as much as we take care of them.


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